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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Koh Pi Pi

Koh Pi Pi Tour

One of the more popular destinations in the Andaman Sea is the island of Koh Pi Pi. This island and its surrounding islands were made famous in the Leonardo Dicaprio film “The Beach”. After we left Koh Jum (our paradise), we stayed in Krabi so we could join a day tour of the islands.

We took a speed boat tour out to the islands. Our first stop was a nice cove for snorkeling. We got into the water and snorkeled for about 40 minutes. Nice fish and the coral was pretty good. The next stop was the most amazing cove. The boat goes in through these two cliffs that are several hundred feet high. The water is an amazing turquoise color. The boat goes back quite a ways into this protected harbor. Very stunning other than the fact there is another 50 boats trying to get in and out of this same space. The third stop is the beach from “The Beach”. Another incredibly beautiful spot that had over 100 boats and so many people on the beach you couldn’t actually see the beach. The most enjoyable part was watching two large tour boats anchored in the bay disgorge their passengers for snorkeling. Most people in Asia can’t swim, therefore most of the tourists getting off the boat can’t swim and are wearing life preservers. We nick named it the Titanic. With several hundred people in red life preservers jumping off the boat, you would swear it was sinking. We moved on from the beach to have lunch in the main town on the island and then another snorkeling spot followed by a visit to Bamboo Island and hang out on the beach there.

We can now say that we have been there. Definitely not one of the highlights for our trip, but an okay day none the less.


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