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Home Again ~ we still have at least one more post to follow

Friday, May 7, 2010

Koh Jum is paradise. We have put up one of our hammocks in a palapa on the beach and I am sitting in it now as I write this blog entry. The sound of the sea, its waves gently lapping as the tide continues to come in. A nice warm breeze blows in my face and keeps me very comfortable. Soon it will be time for my morning swim.
Relaxing in paradise is amazing, with such beauty surrounding you it is difficult to remember what day it is. Sunsets have been amazing! This is our fourth and final day on this island, although I really do not want to leave, we must. Tim must log onto school every fifth day to meet state requirements and there is no internet on this island. In fact electricity has only been on this island for 5 months! I absolutely love it! Tourist season is over for now and rainy season is set to begin soon, so not many people on this island other than locals now.
We have met several other travelers while here 2 from Vancouver BC and 2 from Seattle! Such a small world we live in. We do hope one day to return to this paradise and hope not much has changed but things don’t always stay the same, sometimes they get even better. We shall hope for that.

I have found what I have been looking for the whole trip! This is the second place we have visited (first is Tad Lo) that I could stay indefinitely. The bungalows are lovely – not fancy.

Two of the four days, we are the only people at the bungalows and consequently, the only people on our beach. I say people, because there is a troop of monkeys that like to come down to the beach at the coconut grove next to us. We are also joined most days by Soda and Fanta, the two month old puppies that live at our bungalows. We all fall in love with them and can’t resist playing with them when they come out.

Right off the bat, we settle into a routine. Up for breakfast, then a walk on the beach. Back to the palapa to sit and read and watch the sea. Around noon, we walk down the beach and turn into the road at the Fu Bar. Another 3 minutes and we are at a lovely restaurant for iced coffees and a snack while we play cards. Back to the beach and our “job”, collecting sea shells. Somehow, Tim and I never know the right ones to collect, but given four days we do learn and some of ours survive the scrutiny by the boss. Back to the bungalows for a swim in the sea. More palapa. Then off to dinner at the restaurant next to our lunch place (they have a pool table and Tim spends more time playing the locals). It is a rough life for the four days, but we manage to handle it.

I will be back with some fishing gear and several bottles of sun screen. They will have a tough time getting me off the island at that point.


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